Good Eats
The Newcomers Club never passes up an opportunity to get together to enjoy good food. Whether it be the monthly Coffee, Club Luncheon, or smaller gatherings within the many groups, we can always find a way to savor the cooking talents of our club members.
We’ll be sharing recipes from some of these fun gatherings. If you have a recipe for a dish you’ve brought to a Newcomers event and would like to share it, this is the place to submit it. And if you should have a photograph of the prepared dish, that would be even better.
Click HERE to submit one of your favorites
Choose a recipe here:
Hawaiian Roll Cinnamon Rolls
Fudge Chocolate-Cherry Bites
Almond Pinecones Cheese Spread
Chicken Cream Enchiladas
Texas Sheet Cake
Strata Vegetarian Breakfast Casserole
Apricot Squares